Thursday, November 20, 2008

Robert Keen....Robert Keen

I attended the Robert Earl Keen show at George's Majestic Lounge last night in Fayetteville, Arkansas. This was my fourth REK show and, except for the one at Cain's Ballroom in Tulsa, it was my favorite. I managed to snag the playlist after the show and REK signed it for was a great night all and all. Great people watching and music. Pictures to follow

Friday, March 7, 2008

Exodus it should be played...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Get "That Happy Feeling"

Look for future Bert Kaempfert post and blogs....enjoy the talent....don't hate him for his brilliance.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Check for the "True Ozarks" Label

A good friend of mine developed the marketing term for the News-Leader's ad campaign "True Ozarks"....based on what I have seen lately I think the paper is losing touch with what makes the area so great. Here at the OD we think we should take the term back so in future blogs we will identify what we believe people, places and things that are deserving of the label. For newcomers in the area let us illustrate....Applebees, not worthy of the True Ozarks label (no offense)....Gateway Cafe in Spokane.....uh...yea...that is True Ozarks...and yes, have ice cream on the apple've earned it.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

E. E. Recommends...

What happens when you mix the Coen Brothers with a Cormac McCarthy novel....a rare cinematic triumph....check out No Country for Old Men. Not for the squeamish or for those of you that need a neat bow on the end of a movie. If either one of these two things are true...check out the newly released Juno....

For the drive to the talking the new Levon Helm Arkansas boy that is a living legend and still making great music.